Seneca Family of Agencies

Company Overview

  • Founded Date July 22, 1985
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 231
  • Categories Behavioral Health , Education , Peer Support

Company Description

Seneca Family of Agencies (formerly Seneca Center) was founded in 1985 as a small Bay Area residential and day treatment program with a simple but powerful mission: to help children and families through the most difficult times of their lives. Since then, Seneca has expanded to provide a broad continuum of permanency, mental health, education, and juvenile justice services, which today reach over 18,000 youth and families throughout California and Washington State each year.

The agency’s growth has been guided by a commitment to our Unconditional Care® model – doing whatever it takes to help children and families thrive, even when faced with tremendous challenges.

What we do:

Seneca provides a continuum of community and school-based services that contest the existing narrative about what is possible for youth facing the most significant challenges. The agency’s founding commitment to do whatever it takes to help children and families thrive – no matter how profound the challenges they face – forms the basis of our Unconditional Care® model. Seneca’s services are designed to be highly accessible and responsive to the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs and goals of each child and family, reaching them in their homes, schools, and communities.

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