Granite Wellness Centers

Company Overview

  • Founded Date January 31, 1974
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 419
  • Categories Recovery Community Organization

Company Description

Granite Wellness Centers is a nonprofit organization with locations in Placer and Nevada counties, dedicated to helping save and improve lives through drug and alcohol treatment and behavioral health services since 1974. We provide a full range of wellness programs from our locations in Grass Valley, Truckee, Roseville, Auburn, and Lincoln as well as recovery resources at local community outreach events hosted by city governments, law enforcement, and other nonprofit organizations. Our comprehensive substance use disorder treatment programs include drug prevention education and workplace training programs; drug testing services; and methamphetamine; inpatient residential recovery and outpatient drug treatment programs; medication-assisted drug treatment services; housing support and transitional housing; family and parenting classes; adolescent substance use outreach services including court-mandated programs for minor drug or alcohol offenses; and State of California DMV DUI program approved provider services. Our programs primarily focus on the family system, and we collaborate with our clients and their families to create personalized treatment and wellness plans that set our clients up for success. Granite Wellness Centers is committed to excellence in addressing substance use disorders and related behavioral health issues in our community.

We provide a holistic approach to recovery and wellness by offering our clients a full range of services to support complete and enduring
recovery. We offer a high-quality, structured, personalized array of services to each client and their family. An individualized treatment and wellness plan is developed to create the greatest opportunity for success.

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