Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services

Company Overview

  • Founded Date September 9, 2024
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 174
  • Categories Healthcare , Substance Use Disorder

Company Description

Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services has been a national leader in whole-person mental health, crisis care, and substance use services since 1942 and is home to the nation’s first Suicide Prevention Center. We are a nonprofit organization providing care to nearly 200,000 people annually across our programs. Didi Hirsch has deep roots in community-based mental health and a commitment to providing culturally responsive services that are just and equitable.   

As an organization, we value equity, diversity, and inclusion. More than 1,000 dedicated employees and volunteers make Didi Hirsch’s work possible. We intentionally recruit and retain a workforce that is reflective of the communities we serve and strive to cultivate a sense of belonging for them. We embrace employees and candidates from all backgrounds who want to help make this vision a reality.   

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