Royal Life Centers

Company Overview

  • Founded Date January 1, 1900
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 702
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Company Description

About Royal Life Centers

The Royal Life Centers detox and treatment network was established in 2009. Now, Royal Life Centers’ commitment to unparalleled, highest-quality addiction treatment and aftercare can be found at eight locations in the Pacific Northwest and the Prescott Valley in Arizona. Each of our facilities is built upon honesty, respect, and humanism, and our guests always come first.

All of our facilities are dually-accredited by the Joint Commission and the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), and we are committed to upholding the highest standard in substance use disorder treatment and guest care. Guests’ well-being and successful recovery is our priority Because We Care.

For a full list of the national and state-wide organizations who have accredited Royal Life Centers, please see our accreditations page. We are honored to be recognized by the most prestigious accrediting-bodies in the United States.

drug addiction program

Our 24/7 medical staff follows medication-assisted detox protocol to treat withdrawal symptoms and make withdrawal from substance use as comfortable a process as possible. Following detox, guests enter our residential inpatient program and may continue their care with us at the PHP, IOP, OP, and sober living levels to build and re-build the skills necessary for a new, sober life.

Treatment plans are designed to accommodate each guest’s individual needs, and our therapists work closely with guests to make sure that plans are as personalized and effective as possible. Our holistic therapies include group and individual therapy sessions modeled on the 12 steps, as well as movement/activity, adventure, and equine therapy.

Between therapy sessions and engagement in our optional, but recommended, activities— journaling, yoga, Xbox gaming, traditional board games, and more— guests at Royal Life Centers’ detox and residential facilities may seek additional support. Guests may meet with one of our qualified case managers, trained to assist with navigating and solving legal, employment, familial, and personal matters. Guests may also choose to enjoy the outdoors or relax in their room, equipped with a walk-in closet and flatscreen TV.

We also offer a complete nutritional program highlighting satisfying, healthy ingredients to our detox and residential guests. Our on-site chef prepares three meals a day, and guests have unrestricted access to a variety of snacks and beverages. Our staff is trained to anticipate questions or concerns that may arise, and we consistently do our best to accommodate guests’ needs and requests, as well as support families however we can.


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