Center for Higher Purpose – Online Addiction Counselor Academy

Company Overview

  • Founded Date December 7, 2018
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 348
  • Categories Education

Company Description

Where ever you are in your educational process, the Center for Higher Purpose can receive your current credits and continue you on through your studies.  We accept new students daily with no pre-requisite.  All classes are sent to students via email, they complete the assignments, and send back to the instructor via email as well.  The entire curriculum can be completed online in as little as 6-months time, so if you’re in a pinch, we have a solution for you.   The Center for Higher Purpose – Online Addiction Counselor Academy is an approved educator for CADTP (Provider #200).  Our non-profit rates are surely affordable, but if students still have a barrier to employment, they can possibly receive a full-ride scholarship through your local Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) where the Center for Higher Purpose is an approved educational vendor as well.  Search and visit our website,   We believe everyone has a higher purpose for their lives, and the CFHP places great value on second chances.  Many of our graduates were formerly incarcerated individuals who received full-ride scholarships from the DOR and are flourishing in the field all of the state of California.  Start your career today, self-pay or through a DOR scholarship.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or text.  I answer calls and text messages in the evenings and on weekends/holidays for your convenience.  Rolling enrollment means you can start TODAY!

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